​About the State Archaeological Museum-reserve "Otyrar"

On the 11 May 1979, on the base of the present museum, it was established Otrar tate Archaeological reserve-museum which was the first scientific and educational organization devoted to the preservation of this historical site. In 1982, the museum opened its doors to the public.
The total area of the reserve museum is about 11000 ha. The museum is responsible for the protection of Monuments and sites situated in the territory of the Otrar region including 3 sites of national significance and 73 sites of local significance.
The Otrar State archaeological reserve museum occupies a 3-storey building. On the first storey is located the fund and the library. On the second storey is a located the archaeological exhibitions. In this part of our museum the findings which were obtained during the excavations of the main archaeological sites are presented. The earliest findings are related to the 1st c. BC and the latest ones to the 18th c. AD. On the third storey is located an ethnography exhibition. The Ethnography part is represented by exhibits of 19th-20th cc. AD. All of them have been collected from the local people including the household items, various tools related to the nomadic cattle-breeding, agriculture, fishing and hunting.
The Museum has 6 scientific departments, devoted respectively to “Archaeology”, “Protection of historical monuments”, “Restoration and conservation”, “Fund”, Ethnography, Literature, and Cultural-public events, “Exposure, Excursions and Public Relations” and Library.
Otrar is the most central place in the southern region, where more and more scientists and tourists come from different parts of the world. These figures are increasing from year to year. Currently, tourists who have arrived in the Otyrar region can get acquainted with the museum exposition, visit the visit center, the mausoleum of Arystanbab and the open-air museum in the settlement of Otyrar.
In 2019, the "Visit Center of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar", built near the settlement of Otyrar, was commissioned. The exhibition hall was completed in 2020.
The visit center aims to create an archaeological reserve, historical, cultural and tourist center in Otrar city, as well as a centralized fundraising system with a museum and exhibition system, including a museum with exhibition halls, which offers comprehensive services.
There are premises of the fund in the basement. The funds are equipped with special museum racks, cabinets. The funds are provided for special jobs for employees keeping records of issued / accepted materials.
Workshops have been designed for restoration work and the manufacture of exhibition structures in the basement. All workshops are equipped with specialized restoration equipment and furniture. Exhibit halls on the first and second floors are provided for accommodating incoming exhibits.
There are exhibition halls on the first and second floors to accommodate incoming exhibits, and a lecture hall with 86 seats is located on the ground floor.
The first floor of the center is equipped to create a comprehensive service for tourists. That is, there are places for recreation, a playground, a coworking area, etc. On the second floor there are exhibits on five periods of the ancient city of Otrar: the foundation of Otyrar in the II-VI centuries, the heyday of Otrar in the IX-XII centuries, the Otrar catastrophe in the XIII century, the restoration of Otrar in the XIV century, and Otrar in the period of the Kazakh Khanate.
In accordance with the Decree of the Head of State on the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi at the state level, a hall dedicated to Abu Nasir Al-Farabi was opened in the Visit Center. The exhibition hall is dedicated to al-Farabi, who was one of the leading thinkers of the Muslim world, who influenced the development of complex algebra, astronomy and other sciences in the East.
At one time, he visited the centers of flourishing medieval cities of the East on social issues, met with scientists, wrote advanced treatises on the harmonious life of mankind, the development of philosophy, sociology, mathematics. The study of music reflecting human nature reveals the essence of this art. In the process of creating the thematic plan of the exposition "The Legacy of the Great Teacher", the works of Abu-Nasir al-Farabi in the field of science and art, artifacts related to science and culture in Otyrar, as well as the works of Farabi scientists were presented. they are considered physical data.
On the ground floor there are storage facilities equipped with special museum racks, cabinets. Special workplaces are provided near the storage facilities for employees who keep records of issued/received materials.
Workshops have been designed in the basement for restoration work and the manufacture of exhibition structures. All workshops are equipped with specialized restoration equipment and furniture.
A dormitory for 16 people has been built for specialists invited to work in the museum, as well as for archaeologists conducting excavations in the settlement of Otrar. The building area is 519 m2. The hostel is equipped with the necessary furniture.
Scientists and travelers from all over the world annually come to the Otrar region, known as the golden pillar of the Kazakh civilization. In this regard, it is planned to add nine tourist sites located along the Great Silk Road in the future.
Our task here is to preserve our precious heritage, popularizing the deep history and culture of the Otrar region and pass it on to future generations.