​Department of the Storage Fund


To the history in which the subsoil lies
center of ancient civilization, golden pillar of Kazakh civilization, National
in 1979, the Kazakh SSR received a great contribution to the fund of our history
By the decision of the Council of Ministers No. 219
On the basis of protection, preservation of historical and cultural monuments of the Otyrar oasis
The state Archaeological Reserve-museum has been created. The main task of the museum is
works on the storage and accounting of museum valuables
the history of the modern conservation department is even earlier than the history of the museum.
In 1967 , a local historian
there is reason to believe that it begins with the school museum, opened by the teacher Asantai Alimov. A.
Under the guidance of Alimov, schoolchildren, traveling around the country, collected more than 600 exhibits.
The opening of the A. Alimov museum from the district, as the exhibits do not fit into the school museum
thanks to the suggestion of the need for a regional museum of local lore in 1975 at that time
Branch of the Shauilden Regional Museum of Local Lore of the center of the Kyzylkum district
open as.

fund-museum items belonging to the museum and related to them
state museums that make up a set of scientific and auxiliary materials, i.e.,
in the funds of museums-reserves and other state organizations and
it represents a set of cultural values to which it belongs.Otyrar
the foundation of the museum is organized by the founder of this museum Asantai Alimovich
it originates in the school museum. In 1982 , Otyrar
the State Archaeological Reserve-Museum of Kyzylkum has been fully commissioned
764 exhibits from the funds of the regional museum of local lore
to the fund of the museum - archaeological reserve.

​​From the museum building
5 rooms with a total area of 254 sq. m. were provided for the storage of exhibits.
these exhibits, collected in warehouses, are the main and auxiliary stocks), and are also registered in the main and auxiliary revenue books. 1997
over the years, there have been changes in the work of the foundation in the museum. In warehouses
mixed archaeological and ethnographic artifacts were identified.
Shelves and cabinets, as well as exhibits are made in all storage rooms
system-the system is located by registration numbers, the work of the fund is several
in order.


Employees who performed the functions of the main storage facility of the museum:
1. Anpilova Zinaida Grigorievna-1980-1983. 2. Asantai
Alimov-1984 3. Anpilova Zinaida Grigorievna-1984-1996 4. Apekova
Raikhan Orazhanovna - 1996-2002. 5. General Fund since autumn 2002
The duties of the curator were performed by the senior researcher of the museum Shokai Yeraly Tolendiuly
comes. Almost all the artifacts in the Fund were original and rare
valuables. They are state-owned "accounting and storage of museum valuables
"and it is observed in accordance with the intramuseum rules. Today, the museum's funds contain archaeological, ethnographic, and written monuments
the total number of materials related to the history of our district, along with the fund
24,710 exhibits are stored. Exhibits scientific main and auxiliary
allocated to the Fund. There are 21,991 units in the main fund, 2,719 units in the auxiliary fund.
the substance is taken into account.

​In the section
carry out systematic monitoring of the state of storage of museum objects, carry out disinfection
carrying out works, participation in restoration and preventive examinations,
accounting, registration, numbering of items, as well as storage warehouses,
temperature and humidity, light and
daily monitoring of the status of other regimes
for example, keep a record of the indicator and take appropriate measures to stabilize it
1 senior researcher, 1 researcher, 1 junior researcher and 3 curators
I work as an artist-restorer.

​Along with the work of the Foundation, the department's researchers are engaged in certain topics
doing research work, on the basis of scientific and propaganda work
preparation of scientific and educational articles for periodicals,
conducts educational activities in the field and in schools.
These are the jobs that are being done
preservation of national values for as long as possible, their study and study
world-class stories and in original condition for future generations
is of great importance for delivery.