​​The Settlement Of Oksy

​​The Settlement Of Oksyz, 1st – 15th Cc.​N.V.Rudnev excavated here in 1900. This monument was explored by the South Kazakhstan archaeological expedition (A.N.Bernshtam) in 1947, South Kazakhstan complex archaeological expedition (K.A.Akishev, K.M.Baipakov) in 1975. In the scientific literatures Oksyz is considered to be ancient town Vesidzh as the birth place of Abu Nasr al-Farabi. It was supposed to be the famous as a town Zerniuk of the 13th century. It was situated close to the shallow place of Syrdaria. In the 13th century the town Zerniuk was described in Armenian king Getum’s voyage. It is interesting to know the term Zherniuk’s origin. In the vocabulary of Abu Abdallah Khoresmi Zheniuk is described as Shygyr (шығыр). During the observation of water supply system there were obtains some shygyr pits and it shows the irrigation system was well established. In this situation there is a basis to name Zherniuk as Oksyz. Oksyz and other settlements located around the town was supported by the water from Akaryk highway channel of Syrdaria which was 7 km south-east from the irrigating land.

​Five cornered mound consists of 2 layers. The height of citadel which located in the north – eastern part is 13.5 m, north – eastern part is 90 m, north – western part is – 75 m, south – eastern part is 180 m, south – western part is 150 m. The lower part is shakhristan. Its size is northern part is 165 m, eastern part is 200 m, south – eastern part is 150 m, south – western part is 195 m, western part is 180 m. The height of Shakhristan is 3 – 5 m. Shakhristan is surrounded by the walls. There are minarets through each 30 – 40 m on the corners of the walls. The height of the minarets is around 1.5 m and lay in ruins. There were moats around the town. Nowadays its depths is 3 – 3 m. There were two entrances which located on the east and south western walls of the town. Rabad without walls is tied to the central mound from the south and western side. The highway passes the territory of rabad. The total area of rabad is roughly 20 ha.