​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​ Шараның шымылдығын «Отыр» мемлекеттік археологиялық музей-қорығы» РМҚК-ы каталоги Жандосов Айбек Кыстаубаевич ашып беріп, этнограф, ардагер Жұмашев Абдулла, өлкетанушы Бейсенбай Бекжан сыны құрметти қонақтар дастырушылар тарапына алғысын айтып, ыстық ықыласын жеткізді.
        Музей Тарихи-танымдық кеште экспозиция залында алқашқы қауым, яғни, тас ғасыры тұсындағы адамзат тіршілігі, қазақ халқының XIX-XX ғасырдағы тұрмыс-тіршілігін бейнелейтін ғаш шеберлері мен темір ұсталарының көрінісі, құмырашылардың құмыра жау, жіп иіру, құмырашылардың құмыра жасау , они күйдіру тәсілдері бойынша шеберлик сабатары өтті. Ұлттық нақышта киінген музей қызметкерлері келі түю, диірмен тарту, күбі пісу, қамыр жаю сияқты асханалық тіршіліктен көріністер ұсынды.
        Сондай-ақ, мектепке дейінгі ұйым тәрбиеленушилерине арналған «Дара тұлға – Әбу Насыр әл-Фараби» мультфильмі кэрсетіліп, мүмкіндигі шектеулі ерекше жандарға «От ырар – ғажайыптар ордасы» атты инклюзивті тақырыптық экскурсии, монғол әсерінің шапқыншылығы, Әбу Насыр әл-Фараби бейнеси сомдалған қойылымдар қойылып , викториналық ойындар ойнатылды.
        Ұлттық спорт түрлері: ләңгі тебу, қошқар көтеру, қол күрес, гір тасын кэтэру, соен қатар, ұршық ииру, қымызмұрындық сайысы ұйымырылып, жеңімпасдарға делі сыйлықтар табысталды.
​Толықтай біздің Фейсбук әлеуметтік желісінен көре аласыздар:  



​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​ Шараның шымылдығын «Отыр» мемлекеттік археологиялық музей-қорығы» РМҚК-ы каталоги Жандосов Айбек Кыстаубаевич ашып беріп, этнограф, ардагер Жұмашев Абдулла, өлкетанушы Бейсенбай Бекжан сыны құрметти қонақтар дастырушылар тарапына алғысын айтып, ыстық ықыласын жеткізді.
        Музей Тарихи-танымдық кеште экспозиция залында алқашқы қауым, яғни, тас ғасыры тұсындағы адамзат тіршілігі, қазақ халқының XIX-XX ғасырдағы тұрмыс-тіршілігін бейнелейтін ғаш шеберлері мен темір ұсталарының көрінісі, құмырашылардың құмыра жау, жіп иіру, құмырашылардың құмыра жасау , они күйдіру тәсілдері бойынша шеберлик сабатары өтті. Ұлттық нақышта киінген музей қызметкерлері келі түю, диірмен тарту, күбі пісу, қамыр жаю сияқты асханалық тіршіліктен көріністер ұсынды.
        Сондай-ақ, мектепке дейінгі ұйым тәрбиеленушилерине арналған «Дара тұлға – Әбу Насыр әл-Фараби» мультфильмі кэрсетіліп, мүмкіндигі шектеулі ерекше жандарға «От ырар – ғажайыптар ордасы» атты инклюзивті тақырыптық экскурсии, монғол әсерінің шапқыншылығы, Әбу Насыр әл-Фараби бейнеси сомдалған қойылымдар қойылып , викториналық ойындар ойнатылды.
        Ұлттық спорт түрлері: ләңгі тебу, қошқар көтеру, қол күрес, гір тасын кэтэру, соен қатар, ұршық ииру, қымызмұрындық сайысы ұйымырылып, жеңімпасдарға делі сыйлықтар табысталды.
​Толықтай біздің Фейсбук әлеуметтік желісінен көре аласыздар:  

https://fb.watch/sdhztDi-pz/​ https://fb.watch/st0g3XFYx1/


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​ Шараның шымылдығын «Отыр» мемлекеттік археологиялық музей-қорығы» РМҚК-ы каталоги Жандосов Айбек Кыстаубаевич ашып беріп, этнограф, ардагер Жұмашев Абдулла, өлкетанушы Бейсенбай Бекжан сыны құрметти қонақтар дастырушылар тарапына алғысын айтып, ыстық ықыласын жеткізді.
        Музей Тарихи-танымдық кеште экспозиция залында алқашқы қауым, яғни, тас ғасыры тұсындағы адамзат тіршілігі, қазақ халқының XIX-XX ғасырдағы тұрмыс-тіршілігін бейнелейтін ғаш шеберлері мен темір ұсталарының көрінісі, құмырашылардың құмыра жау, жіп иіру, құмырашылардың құмыра жасау , они күйдіру тәсілдері бойынша шеберлик сабатары өтті. Ұлттық нақышта киінген музей қызметкерлері келі түю, диірмен тарту, күбі пісу, қамыр жаю сияқты асханалық тіршіліктен көріністер ұсынды.
        Сондай-ақ, мектепке дейінгі ұйым тәрбиеленушилерине арналған «Дара тұлға – Әбу Насыр әл-Фараби» мультфильмі кэрсетіліп, мүмкіндигі шектеулі ерекше жандарға «От ырар – ғажайыптар ордасы» атты инклюзивті тақырыптық экскурсии, монғол әсерінің шапқыншылығы, Әбу Насыр әл-Фараби бейнеси сомдалған қойылымдар қойылып , викториналық ойындар ойнатылды.
        Ұлттық спорт түрлері: ләңгі тебу, қошқар көтеру, қол күрес, гір тасын кэтэру, соен қатар, ұршық ииру, қымызмұрындық сайысы ұйымырылып, жеңімпасдарға делі сыйлықтар табысталды.
​Толықтай біздің Фейсбук әлеуметтік желісінен көре аласыздар:  

https://fb.watch/sdhztDi-pz/​ https://fb.watch/st0g3XFYx1/


​ Шараның шымылдығын «Отыр» мемлекеттік археологиялық музей-қорығы» РМҚК-ы каталоги Жандосов Айбек Кыстаубаевич ашып беріп, этнограф, ардагер Жұмашев Абдулла, өлкетанушы Бейсенбай Бекжан сыны құрметти қонақтар дастырушылар тарапына алғысын айтып, ыстық ықыласын жеткізді.
        Музей Тарихи-танымдық кеште экспозиция залында алқашқы қауым, яғни, тас ғасыры тұсындағы адамзат тіршілігі, қазақ халқының XIX-XX ғасырдағы тұрмыс-тіршілігін бейнелейтін ғаш шеберлері мен темір ұсталарының көрінісі, құмырашылардың құмыра жау, жіп иіру, құмырашылардың құмыра жасау , они күйдіру тәсілдері бойынша шеберлик сабатары өтті. Ұлттық нақышта киінген музей қызметкерлері келі түю, диірмен тарту, күбі пісу, қамыр жаю сияқты асханалық тіршіліктен көріністер ұсынды.
        Сондай-ақ, мектепке дейінгі ұйым тәрбиеленушилерине арналған «Дара тұлға – Әбу Насыр әл-Фараби» мультфильмі кэрсетіліп, мүмкіндигі шектеулі ерекше жандарға «От ырар – ғажайыптар ордасы» атты инклюзивті тақырыптық экскурсии, монғол әсерінің шапқыншылығы, Әбу Насыр әл-Фараби бейнеси сомдалған қойылымдар қойылып , викториналық ойындар ойнатылды.
        Ұлттық спорт түрлері: ләңгі тебу, қошқар көтеру, қол күрес, гір тасын кэтэру, соен қатар, ұршық ииру, қымызмұрындық сайысы ұйымырылып, жеңімпасдарға делі сыйлықтар табысталды.
​Толықтай біздің Фейсбук әлеуметтік желісінен көре аласыздар:  



​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.





​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


Сұхбаттың толық нұсқасын YouTube арнамыздан көре аласыздар.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The​  held regional practical seminar «History in museums and historical places: Development of methodological recommendations».In the framework of the program «Spiritual Revival» in order to improve the system of education in the local history and to show the significance and role of the local history component in the education of the person, in the formation of spiritual and moral values through the best practices, for propaganda, inculcation of patriotic education, rendering practical and methodical support to teachers,   During the seminar at the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve «Otyrar» employees of the research department «Fund» Maksat Baitas, Gulnaz Iskak made a presentation on the topic «Museum core - preservation of the museum fund», «Role of museums in education of teenagers». In addition, Yerimbetov Zhanuzak, artist-restorer of the research department «Restoration and conservation», presented a master class on the manufacture of ceramic vessels.


​Senior Researcher of the Research Department «Ethnography» of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve «Otyrar» Sabira Zulpykharkyzy gave a lecture to students of Zhambyl School-Lyceum on the topic «AS-AUKATTYN BEREKSII - ASKHANALYYMDAR» During the lecture the students got acquainted with objects of «ұер  centuries, stored in the state archaeological museum-reserve «Otyrar». She gave information about Kazakh dishes, kitchen utensils, their use and properties for human health, methods of manufacturing products, said that the originals of the items are stored in the museum-reserve «Otyrar». In the daily life of the nomadic Kazakh people they had their own kitchen utensils and dishes. The Kazakh proverb contains a deep philosophical and social thought: «Take the girl, having seen her mother, eat, having seen her bowl». Therefore, the question of the dishes in which food is stored in the life of the people does not remain without attention. He attached great importance to this. Our ancestors made dishes mainly of wood, horse, goat leather, copper, brass.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.


​The international exhibition “Otrar-Samarkand: Cultural Interrelation” has opened in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The exhibition was organized by the RSE “State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar” of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the historical and cultural integration of the medieval cities of Otrar and Samarkand on the Great Silk Road.

The exhibition has 170 exhibits of history and culture. The exhibition displays the entire history of the Middle Ages of Otrar, its ups and downs, from the period of the Karakhanids to the Kazakh Khanate.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by: Deputy Akim of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism and Culture Rustam Razhabboevich Kobilov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Samarkand Dosmanbetov Bauyrzhan Bakbergenuly, Director of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve Mukhamadiev Khozhakul, director of the “State Archaeological Museum-zapovdenika Otyrar" Mahashov Zhangeldi Menlibayevich.

The exhibition will run until October 30, 2023.

​By the Decree of the Head of State, Balayeva Aida Galymovna was appointed Minister of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

​Balayeva Aida Galymovna, 04.07.1974, a native of the Almaty region.
Education, specialty (qualification), licenses:
Almaty State University named after Abai (2000), teacher of Russian language and literature; Kazakh National Agrarian University (2007), lawyer.
Work experience:
Leading specialist of the Department of Analysis and Coordination of Socio-political Processes of the Almaty Regional Department of Information and Public Consent of the Ministry of Information and Public Consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Acting Head of the Information Department for the city of Almaty (1999-2004);
First Deputy Director of the Department of Internal Policy of the City of Almaty (2004-2006);
Director of the Department of Internal Policy of the City of Almaty (2006-2008);
Director of the Department, Head of the Department of Internal Policy of Astana City (2008-2010);
Deputy Akim of Astana city (02.2010-12.2014);4
Head of the Department of Internal Policy of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (30.12.2014-07.2019);
Assistant to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Head of the Department for Monitoring the consideration of Appeals of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (22.07.2019-04.05.2020);
Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (04.05.2020, reassigned from 18.01.2021-11.01.2022);
Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan (11.01.2022-01.09.2023)


​RSE "State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar", in honor of the 110th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the newspaper "Kazakh", held a round table on the topic "ULT AZYGY BOLGAN "KAZAKH" GAZETI".
The event was attended by correspondents of the newspaper "Otyrar Alkaby" and "Otyrar orkenieti" Orazbai Muratov and Rysbek Kulzhan, employees of the Otyrar central district library Sharipbekova Madina, Jamila Serikkyzy, as well as the author of the page "Shalygan Shauildir", blogger Zhasulan Tamenov.
During the event, an employee of the Otyrar Central district library – Madina Sharipbekova made a report on the topic "Kazakh gazeti – Kazakh baspasozinin mangilik koshbashysy" and a senior researcher of the RSE "State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Gulnaz Yerak made a report "Kazaktyn bagyna tugan "Kazak" and showed a documentary about the newspaper "Kazak".
At the end of the event, various proposals were announced to the staff of the district publication to attract the younger generation to the category of regular readers of the newspaper, to increase the readership, a discussion was held on the importance of the media in society, its improvement.


​An exhibition organized by the Ordabasy National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve on the theme "Ordabasy-kone tarikh kuasi" opened in the building of the Visit Center of the RSE "State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar".
Director of the Ordabasy National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve Bahadir Ismatov and Director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve Otyrar Zhangeldy Menlibayuly opened the exhibition with warm wishes.
The exhibition, held within the framework of the 30th anniversary of the Ordabasy National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, presents monuments of the sacred Ordabasy region, deeply rooted in the museum, valuable exhibits from the ancient Stone Age, early Bronze Age, Saka, Kangul, Turgesh, Karakhan periods.


​The State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" held a regional training seminar on the topic "Issues of storage of wooden products and measures against pests" on the preservation of exhibits from the museum's funds, including protection from factors that negatively affect the safety of wooden objects.
During the event, the museum staff from other regions held theoretical and practical classes, exchanged experience on the storage of exhibits, protection from pests in the premises of the funds of the RSE State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar".
At the end of the event, the director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Zhangeldy Menlibayevich thanked the participants and presented certificates.


​In the exhibition hall "Shakhristan" of the ethnocultural complex "Ancient Taraz", Taraz, the II International exhibition of craftsmen on the theme "TARAZ-THE CITY OF ARTISANS" was held.

The international exhibition was attended by more than 200 artisans not only from Zhambyl region, but also from countries near and far abroad: Brazil, the Netherlands, India, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Tatarstan. It is also worth noting that the city of Taraz is the first Kazakh city, which since October 1, 2022 has become one of the world cities of crafts.

The International exhibition was attended by Yerimbetov Zhanuzak, a member of the Public Association "TURKISTAN QOL ONER", an artist-restorer and master of ceramics of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar", who presented the best crafts promoting the national values of the region.
For the artisans who arrived at the exhibition from the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, Central Asia, Europe, neighboring countries and Kazakhstan, excursions to the historical monuments and attractions of the city of Taraz, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, were organized.


​The Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee of Culture, the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar", the Regional Museum of Local Lore of the city of Semey held the opening of the exhibition "The Great Silk Road and the urban culture of the Otyrar Valley".
Director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Makhashov Zhangeldy Menlibayevich and Honorary citizen of the region Abai, poet, writer, local historian Nurkasym Kusmilia Zhyrgalievich solemnly cut the ribbon of the exhibition. In his speech, Zhangeldy Menlibayevich spoke about the purpose of the exhibition, promoting the deep and rich history of the Otyrar civilization.
The exposition of the exhibition: The Great Silk Road and Otyrar, X-XI centuries. Otyrar in the era of Karakhan, XI-XIII centuries. Otyrar of the Iron Age, XII-XIII centuries. In total, more than 150 exhibits on structures on the topic of the emergence of written culture in Otyrar and during the Kazakh Khanate were exhibited and formed. In addition, specialists-guides of the State Archaeological Museum-reserve "Otyrar" presented the exhibition to visitors.


​RSE "State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar", June 1 – in honor of the International Children's Day, among district kindergartens held a competition on the theme "Bala – omir bulagi".

The competition was attended by children of kindergartens "Baldyrgan-1", "Maral", "Akbol", who competed in the nominations "I will be an artist", "I am an artist", "Who is faster", "Fun Start" and determined the strongest among themselves.
The jury members – Usainov Nurlan, Shokhaev Kuanysh, Kemelova Kalipa, Alipbekova Zhazira followed the creativity of each kid, who presented the winners with special prizes from the museum management.

At the end of the contest, our kids watched the cartoon "The Saga of Otyrar" and received a charge of good mood.


​Today, the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" organized a round table on the theme "Museum – Center of History and Tradition", dedicated to the International Museum Day - May 18. The event was attended by heads of museums and employees of museums of schools of the Otyrar district.
Opening the event, Director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Zhangeldy Makhashov congratulated the heads of museums and museum staff on the holiday and focused on the work of the museum. Deputy Director for Scientific Work Serik Akylbek noted that schoolchildren need to organize history lessons in the museum.


​The Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee of Culture, the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" hold the opening of the exhibition "The Great Silk Road and the urban culture of the Otyrar Valley" in the regional Museum of Local Lore of the city of Semey.
The exposition of the exhibition: The Great Silk Road and Otyrar, X-XI centuries. Otyrar in the era of Karakhan, XV-XV centuries. Otyrar of the Iron Age, XII-XIII centuries. Under the Otyrar Kazakh Khanate, the origin of written culture in Otyrar is formed according to thematic structures.


​On May 18, the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" held a "Night of Museums" dedicated to the International Museum Day.
The "Night of Museums" was held in the city of Otyrar, which became an open-air museum on the theme "Otyrar is a witness of millennia".
About 2000 residents and guests of the Otyrar district took part in the event held to demonstrate medieval urban life with the display of historical productions at the scientifically reconstructed objects of the city of Otyrar.
Deputy Akim of the Otyrar district Aidos Kulmakhanov made a welcoming speech at the event, who congratulated the museum staff on the holiday and presented letters of thanks on behalf of the akim of the district and the secretary of the maslikhat.
In his speech, the director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Zhangeldy Makhashov noted that Otyrar, one of the oldest cities in Central Asia, is an invaluable spiritual treasure. The "Night of Museums" is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the ancient city.
Guests who went to see historical reconstructive performances from medieval city life were greeted at the gates by residents dressed in medieval style, and they were served drinks and bread. Visitors were shown how in the Middle Ages the inhabitants were engaged in household chores: knitting, baking bread, making kurt, koumiss, grinding wheat, etc. In the next house, we got acquainted with how women clean and spin wool.
Visitors who saw how masters create ceramic objects, as well as teachers who teach students the methods and techniques of making ceramics, took part in master classes with interest.
A special mood was given by traders in the markets who conducted a lively trade, people in a teahouse near the market, as well as teahouses who treated tea and hot baursaks created an atmosphere of medieval life, everyday life and gave the opportunity to plunge into that time.
Employees of the Otyrar District Palace of Culture performed arnau dedicated to the teacher of peace Abu Nasir Al Farabi. On the night of the museum, the audience was particularly delighted by the reflections of the great teacher about the Motherland, about science and knowledge.
National games were played on the market square, and quiz questions related to history provided a deep immersion into the world of spirituality.
During the event, visitors were offered baursaks, zhent, leather, master classes and national games, as well as gifts to those who answered the quiz questions.


​​Today, the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar", the Abu Nasir al-Farabi Rukhaniyat Museum and the Otyrar District Centralized Library System organized a regional competition among teenagers "Abu Nasir al–Farabi Readings", dedicated to the life and work of the great scientist Abu Nasir al-Farabi.
The competition was opened by Deputy Akim of the Otyrar district Aidos Kulmakhanov and director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Zhangeldy Makhashov.
16 applicants from the districts of Turkestan region took part in the competition in the following stages: "Ulagaty mol uly ustaz", "Oily bolsan, ozyp kor!", "Baba enbegi – urpakka mura".
According to the results of the competition, the Grand Prix was won by Ibadulla Shugyla (Ordabasinsky district), 1st place Aldabergen Dias (Otyrar district), 2nd place Orazbek Gulbarshyn (Sauransky district), 3rd place Makulbek Beknur (Tolebiysky district).


​​A quest game on the theme "SYRLY OTYRAR" was held in the Visit Center of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar".
The purpose of the event: education of patriotism, promotion of museum values of schoolchildren.
The quest game was attended by students of the 9th grade of the circle "Zhas archeologist" under the guidance of O. Kulymbetov of the secondary school – lyceum named after Zhambyl.
According to the conditions of the game, the students were divided into 2 groups and completed the tasks.
The guide of the museum-reserve Zhadyr Orynbai in order to popularize the rich history of Otyrar at the 1st stage acquainted the participants with the history of the region, at the 2nd stage told about the history of the medieval city of Otyrar.
The participants were given riddles, the winners moved on to the next stage.
In order to increase interest in history, intellectual abilities, formation of creative activity, adaptation to the rapid assimilation of necessary information, students were given various tasks with demonstration of exhibits from the museum's funds, historical and cultural heritage, quest games.
As a result of the game, the works of students who were active in two groups were evaluated and awarded.


​Regional togyzkumalak competitions among young men dedicated to the memory of Hero of the Soviet Union Temirbek Ibragimov were held in the Otyrar district on May 9 for the Victory Day.
The participants got acquainted with the exhibition on the theme "Kone Otyrardyn orkendeui", organized by the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar". The exhibition from the history of the development of culture of the Otyrar region and illustrations of togyzkumalaks on Dastarbasy Mountain was presented by senior researcher Azat Taubek.
Then, the guys from different regions of the Turkestan region competed in the togyzkumalak game, and the winners were determined. Director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Zhangeldy Makhashov presented cash prizes to the winners.


​The tournament "Turkistan barysy" was held in the Otyrar district, organized for the purpose of selection for the republican tournament on Kazakhstan kuresi "Kazakhstan Barysy". 21 wrestlers from the cities-districts of the region took part in the tournament.
The tournament was attended by the head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Turkestan region Kanat Zholdykarayev and akim of the Otyrar district Saken Sultankhanov.
Strong wrestlers were identified on the carpet. As a result of the competitions, the Shardara wrestler Ruslan Allaberdi took the third place, the Turkestan Beybarys Abdigani took the second place. According to the results of the tournament, the winner was Kaysar Shamshidinov from the Shardarinsky district, who did not give his rivals any chances, and rose to the podium of the first place. The winners of the tournament were awarded with special letters of thanks and cash prizes.
The event was attended by the director of the State Archaeological Museum-reserve "Otyrar" Zhangeldy Makhashov, who presented the winners with cash prizes.
It is worth noting that athletes from among the strongest wrestlers of the region will compete at the republican competitions, which will be held in the capital – in the city of Astana.


​Residents of the Otyrar district celebrated Defender of the Fatherland Day on May 7 and the Great Victory Day on May 9.
During the event, flowers were solemnly laid at the monument to the Heroes of the Soviet Union S. Ashirov and T. Ibragimov in the park of the Arys coast, and the memory of those killed on the battlefields was honored with a minute of silence.
Then many people came to the solemn event "Uly Erlik-myn tagzym", dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day on May 7 and the 78th anniversary of the celebration of the Great Victory Day in the regional Palace of Culture on May 9. First, the guests visited a thematic book exhibition of the central district library in the foyer of the Palace of Culture dedicated to the celebration of victory, and an exhibition of museum exhibits of the State Archaeological Museum-reserve "Otyrar" on the theme "Otyrarlyktar zhauyngerlik Sapta".
At the solemn event, Akim of the Saken Sultankhanov district congratulated the public on two holidays of immortal feat and immeasurable glory.
Within the framework of the holiday, veterans of the Afghan war and citizens who have made a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the region were awarded a letter of thanks from the akim of the district. At the festive event, the director of the State Archaeological Museum-reserve "Otyrar", a veteran of the Afghan war, Zhangeldy Makhashov, was awarded a letter of thanks from the akim of the district.
The head of the district Department for Defense Affairs Mukhtar Auezuly made a report at the event, who spoke about the importance of heroism and patriotic education of young people, and the poet Begaman Sultanov read arnau.
The festive event continued with a concert program of local artists, where the artists performed songs of the war years.


​In honor of the 5th anniversary of the formation of the Turkestan region, Days of Culture of the Otyrar district were held from April 28 to April 30 within the framework of the regional art festival "Onerli Olke".
Within the framework of the event, an exhibition on the history of the region "Otyrar – Kazakh orkeniyetinin altyn dingegi" was organized in the ethnoaul region of Turkestan, which presents exhibits from the funds of the State Archaeological museum – reserve "Otyrar".
There were competitions "National Game – the heritage of the nation" on national sports games, fairs-exhibitions of achievements of the district, agricultural products, and also there were performances of "Uly Dala dasturi" rites, rituals, exhibitions of crafts, drawings, "Altybakan".
In addition to the townspeople, foreign tourists watched the process of talkan tartu, kubi pisu (making koumiss), baking, making kurt, and tasted dishes of national cuisine. Also, foreign tourists were impressed by the products of national crafts presented at the exhibition, in particular, carpet weaving, pile weaving, wool felting, kurak korpe sewing, wood products.
At this event, ethnographic workshops were held with the participation of employees of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar".

​"Sympathizer of Kazakh spirituality" held a round table.

​On the 125th anniversary of the birth of a prominent statesman and public figure Temirbek Zhurgenov, a round table on the topic "Kazakh rukhaniyatyn zhanashyry" was held at the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar".
The purpose of the round table: to acquaint the younger generation with the life of a prominent leader, an astute publicist who made a great contribution to Kazakh society and world culture Temirbek Zhurgenov.
The event began with a book exhibition of employees of the Otyrar Central district Library on the theme "Kazakh onerinin zhanashyry". The exhibition was presented by Serikkyzy Zhamila, an employee of the library, who told about the life and work of T. Zhurgenov.
The round table was opened by the head of the Department of "Ethnography, Literature and Cultural events" Zhumashova Aklima, who shared memorable details about the outstanding publicist, public figure T. Zhurgenov, junior researcher of the museum – reserve "Otyrar" Abduakhitov Abdozha Seitzhapparovich made a report on educational, spiritual heritage, reform initiatives, contribution to culture, art and science of the Kazakh people T. Zhurgenova.
During the event, the Otyrar Regional School of Arts and Music performed and showed the public a video slide about the great writer T. Zhurgenov. At the end of the meeting, the museum staff and participants shared their views on the role of Temirbek Zhurgenov in education and art.


​Researcher of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Nalibayev Berik gave a lecture for students of the 6th grade of the secondary school named after T. Ibragimov of the Otyrar district on the topic "Spiritual heritage of Bukhar Zhyrau".
During the lecture, students were given information that Bukhar Zhyrau was directly involved in the struggle for the liberation of his native land, actively spoke with commanders, was an agitator.


​​Researcher of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Mira Akhmet presented an exhibition on the theme "Wool products" to students of the A. Baitanaev primary school of the Otyrar district.
The purpose of the event: presentation of a collection of wool exhibits from the museum's funds.
During the event, Mira Akhmet told about the technology of making woolen products and provided a lot of information to schoolchildren.


​On April 18, on the Day of the Protection of Historical Monuments, the State Archaeological Museum-reserve "Otyrar" organized a seminar on the topic "The IMPORTANCE of the PROTECTION OF HISTORICAL MONUMENTS".
The main purpose of the seminar is to popularize and popularize the importance of protecting historical and cultural monuments located in our region. The promotion of historical monuments and cultural sites at the local level, concern for our national values, knowledge of the history of our native land and, thus, linking the present with the history of the past are the root of love for our native land.
The seminar was opened by the director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Zhangeldy Makhashov, who congratulated specialists in the field of protection of historical monuments on the holiday.
The event was attended by land inspectors of administrations of 13 rural districts of the Otyrar district. The head of the archeology department of the Kyzylorda Regional Institution for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments Sadykov Galymzhan Zhaksylykovich and the employee of the Turkestan Regional Center for the Protection, Restoration and Use of Historical Cultural Heritage Dyusenbayev Seydaly Kudabayevich made reports in an online format, senior researcher Azat Taubek spoke from the museum.
Serik Akylbek, Deputy Director of the State Archological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar", told about the work done on documenting historical monuments and their complexity, noted that currently the main task of monument protection is the fight against black archaeologists.
During the event, complex issues on the protection and preservation of historical monuments in the Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions were discussed, as well as recommendations were given on what work should be done to optimize these works in the future.
Summing up the results of the event, the director of the museum-reserve Zhangeldy Makhashov proposed to create a coordinating council under the district administration in order to intensify work on the protection of local historical and cultural monuments and noted that in the future institutions of the regional and district levels should work together.


​On April 18, in honor of the International Monument Protection Day, under the guidance of Senior researcher of the Research Department "History and Protection of Cultural Monuments" A. Taubek and the head of the Zhas Archeologist circle of the Zhambyl O. Kulymbetov Lyceum school, an excursion trip on the theme "Monuments-the heritage of the century" was organized for 5th grade students.
The purpose of the excursion is to popularize monuments that are valuable relics of our national culture.
During the tour, they were introduced to the objects of the medieval city of Otyrar.

​Motocross "Shymkent-Shaulder-Shymkent" of the Federation "Auto-moto" visited the settlement Otyrar.

​The event was attended by about 120 guests from Kazakhstan and the CIS countries. According to biker Dmitry Petrukhin, tourists intend to stop at the sights of the sacred land and get acquainted with Kazakh traditions.
This event originates in the medieval town of Otyrar. In the future, they will get acquainted with the holy places of our country.
Having familiarized themselves with the historical and cultural objects of Otyrar, the bikers, who learned a lot from the history of the Otyrar region, expressed their gratitude to the leadership of the state archaeological museum-reserve "Otyrar" and the akimat of the Otyrar district for providing quality services.


​On April 12, the Otyrar State Archaeological Museum-Reserve hosted a round table dedicated to the Day of Science Workers.
During the event, presentations were made by: Ardak Pernekhankyzy, researcher at the Rukhaniyat-Abu Nasyr al-Farabi museum, “The Museum is the heritage of the people”, head of the circle of young local historians of the general secondary school Zh. Zhabayeva O. Kulymbetov “Lessons of the circle”, researcher of the department archeology of the museum-reserve "Otyrar" M. Ziyaev "Science is the source of culture".
The head of the Zh. Zhabayeva secondary school museum, Laura Oksikpayeva, also spoke about how to strengthen ties by systematically building links between the museum and the school.

​The next lesson of the circle "Zhas Sheberler", created at the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve, took place “Otyrar".

​As part of the lesson on “Needlework combining ancient and new", a master class on making mini-jugs was held for the members of the circle.


​On April 6, employees of the research department "Archeology" S. Parmenkul and M. Ziyaev presented an exhibition on the theme "Development of culture in Otyrar" and "The meaning of ritual motifs in ceramic products" to students and teachers of the general secondary school named after A. Kunanbayev, located in the village of Shamshi in the Otyrar district.
The purpose of the event is to popularize the technology of creation and the period of origin of antiquities, as well as the presentation of the collection of antiquities from the museum's funds.
The exhibition featured collections of pottery, weapons from the museum's funds, telling about the period of prosperity of the city of Otyrar.
In addition, an exhibition dedicated to the importance of ritual motifs in ceramic products found in the Otyrar region and the history of cultural development in the Otyrar city was shown on slides.
During the event, Sabit Parmenkulkul gave a lecture to the students on the topic "Kazakh Batyr – Musabek against the Kokan oppression". The lecture provided detailed information about the biography and merits of Musabek batyr, on the way to independence of the Kazakh people.


​Senior Researcher of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" A. Taubek gave a lecture "Pyshakshy tobe kalazhurty" for students of the basic secondary school named after Polat Aitmenov.
The main purpose of the lecture: to instill in the younger generation the historical and cultural heritage located in the region, a sense of respect for monuments, to protect and promote our historical heritage.
At the lecture, he spoke about the city of Pyshak Tobe, a historical and cultural monument of the 1st - 12th centuries, located in the village of Mynshukur, Otyrar region.


​On March 31, the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" organized an exhibition on the theme "Development of Culture in Otyrar" at Sattar Yerubayev's general secondary school, located in the village of Koksu, Shardara district.
The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the technology of creation and the period of the emergence of antiquities and the presentation of the collection of antiquities from the museum's funds.
The exhibition featured collections of pottery, weapons from the museum's funds, telling about the period of prosperity of the city of Otyrar. In addition, with the help of slides, information was provided on the architectural complexes discovered during archaeological excavations, providing information from the Otyrar culture of different centuries.
During the event, employees of the research department "Archaeology" N. Seraly and M. Ziyaev made presentations on the history of the creation and development of the Otyrar Museum-Reserve, and also answered questions from students and subject teachers. As part of the event, the head of the museum of the school, Galiya Shulenova and Sholpan Torybaeva, continued the event on the theme “Otyrardan shykkan oglan”, the participants of the school circle performed works by famous fellow countrymen from the Otyrar region Sh. Erubaev, Sh. Kaldayakov and M. Shakhanov.


​Today, the Visitor Center of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve “Otyrar” opened an exhibition on the topic “Gasyrlar saulesi”.
The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the exhibits, which, according to the history of our past, are one of the testimonies of our culture.
At the opening of the exhibition, the deputy akim of the Otyrar region Kulmakhanov Aidos Kulmahanovich and the director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Makhashov Zhangeldy Menlibaevich made a welcoming speech, wished success to the event organized to promote values that convey our rich history and moral past.
The exhibition will be valid for 1 month in the temporary exhibition hall of the Visitor Center.
We invite residents and guests of the Otyrar region to visit the exhibition.
The exhibition is equipped with candlesticks describing various periods discovered during archaeological excavations.

​"The Importance of National Culture in Society"

​For students of grades 9-10 of the general secondary school named after S. Aliyev in the village of Temir, Otyrar district, the scientific staff of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Zh. Kazakhs". In an educational session aimed at preserving and popularizing the heritage of our nation, students shared their views on the culture of wearing clothes and national types of food, intertwined with the customs and worldview of our ancestors, who lived freely on the bed of nature.


​On March 29, 2023, in the administration of the Mayakum rural district, employees of the Department of "Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments" organized a round table on the topic "Protection and preservation of monuments of the Mayakum rural district".
The main purpose of the round table is the protection and preservation of historical monuments of our region.
Opening the event, senior researcher of the museum A. Taubek gave a brief information about the monuments of historical significance and monuments under state protection of our region as a whole.
The Chief Inspector of the Department of Protection of Historical Monuments K. Shokhaev made a report on the importance of preserving historical monuments and focused on the monuments under the jurisdiction of the museum. In addition, it was noted on the hill about the damage to monuments, their protection zones, and it was also noted that currently in the field, "black archaeologists" extract and destroy archaeological monuments with metal-detecting radars.
During the event, the acting akim of the rural district of Mayakum R. Zhanabek otmet


​As part of the "Zhas sheberler" circle, created at the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar", the artist-compiler Nurlan Usaynov gave a lecture on the topic "Patterned kebezhe".
Members of the circle took part in the circle "Zhas sheberler" held in order to awaken, educate and promote the interest of the younger generation in national values, ancient products that were used in everyday life.


​In the Visitor Center of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" a quest game was held on the theme "In the footsteps of Al-FARABI".
The purpose of the event: education of patriotism, promotion of museum values ​​of schoolchildren.
The quest game was attended by students of the 9th grade of the circle "Zhas archeologist" under the guidance of O. Kulymbetov of the secondary school - lyceum named after Zhambyl.According to the conditions of the game, the students were divided into 2 groups and completed the tasks.
The presenter of the museum-reserve Zhadyra Orynbai at the 1st stage acquainted the students with the history of our region, at the 2nd stage she gave information about Abu Nasyr Al-Farabi. Then, to move from the first stage to the second, the riddles hide and, according to the answer, determine the place where the next stage will take place.
In order to increase interest in history, intellectual abilities, the formation of creative activity, adaptation to the rapid assimilation of the necessary information, students were given various tasks in the form of a quest game with a demonstration of exhibits from the museum's funds, historical and cultural heritage.

​Tarihy teren kazynaly olke

​For students of grades 7-8 of the general secondary school named after S. Aliyev in the village of Temir, Otyrar district, the researcher of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" M. Baitasov gave a lecture on the topic: "Tarihy teren kazynaly olke."
At the lecture, the students were told about the history, culture, historical and cultural values ​​of the Otyrar Valley.


    Bright spring holiday of 2023 - Nauryz meiramy. 
    Every year, Nauryz meiramy acquires a new content, into a harmonious luxury, turning into a common holiday for all the people of our country. 
     In Nauryz Meiramy, everyone welcomes the New Year with warmth. Today, the staff of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" traditionally celebrated Nauryz Meiramy. 
      During the festive event, national games, songs and dances were organized. The wishes of the distinguished guests of the festive dastarkhan were voiced and all the guests were treated to nauryz kozhe.


​The Acting Director of the RSE "State Archaeological Museum-Reserve" Otyrar" of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Makhashov Zhangeldy Menlibaevich and the director of the "Samarkand State Museum-Reserve of the Republic of Uzbekistan" Mukhammediev Khudjakul Utaevich signed a memorandum of cooperation.
On the basis of a memorandum were concluded agreements in several areas ın the aım of to save, study and popularize the historical and cultural heritage in the field of culture, as well as to deepen scientific and cultural ties.
Namely, joint development and implementation of research and cultural and educational projects; Implementation of consultations on the definition of priority areas of scientific research in the field of culture, history, art and museum business; Participation and holding of joint scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars and symposiums; Organization of joint scientific programs; as well as the mutual exchange of materials and works in the field of history, art and museum work; Organization of joint exhibitions and publications for them; Publication of scientific articles in the publications of the Parties; Organization of working meetings; Exchange of scientists and specialists as part of the organization of internships in order to improve the skills of representatives of the Partıes; Exchange of scientific information, documentation, literature and bibliographic publications, as well as the provision of opportunities for making copies of individual exhibits and collections.
In September 2023, as part of the memorandum, the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" will present an exhibition of valuable exhibits on the theme "Otyrar and Samarkand: cultural continuity" on a purpose to popularize the history and culture of the Otyrar Valley in the city of Samarkand, the Republic of Uzbekistan.


​The Acting Director of the RSE "State Archaeological Museum-Reserve" Otyrar" of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Makhashov Zhangeldy Menlibaevich and the director of the "Samarkand State Museum-Reserve of the Republic of Uzbekistan" Mukhammediev Khudjakul Utaevich signed a memorandum of cooperation.
On the basis of a memorandum were concluded agreements in several areas ın the aım of to save, study and popularize the historical and cultural heritage in the field of culture, as well as to deepen scientific and cultural ties.
Namely, joint development and implementation of research and cultural and educational projects; Implementation of consultations on the definition of priority areas of scientific research in the field of culture, history, art and museum business; Participation and holding of joint scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars and symposiums; Organization of joint scientific programs; as well as the mutual exchange of materials and works in the field of history, art and museum work; Organization of joint exhibitions and publications for them; Publication of scientific articles in the publications of the Parties; Organization of working meetings; Exchange of scientists and specialists as part of the organization of internships in order to improve the skills of representatives of the Partıes; Exchange of scientific information, documentation, literature and bibliographic publications, as well as the provision of opportunities for making copies of individual exhibits and collections.
In September 2023, as part of the memorandum, the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" will present an exhibition of valuable exhibits on the theme "Otyrar and Samarkand: cultural continuity" on a purpose to popularize the history and culture of the Otyrar Valley in the city of Samarkand, the Republic of Uzbekistan.


​The Acting Director of the RSE "State Archaeological Museum-Reserve" Otyrar" of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Makhashov Zhangeldy Menlibaevich and the director of the "Samarkand State Museum-Reserve of the Republic of Uzbekistan" Mukhammediev Khudjakul Utaevich signed a memorandum of cooperation.
On the basis of a memorandum were concluded agreements in several areas ın the aım of to save, study and popularize the historical and cultural heritage in the field of culture, as well as to deepen scientific and cultural ties.
Namely, joint development and implementation of research and cultural and educational projects; Implementation of consultations on the definition of priority areas of scientific research in the field of culture, history, art and museum business; Participation and holding of joint scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars and symposiums; Organization of joint scientific programs; as well as the mutual exchange of materials and works in the field of history, art and museum work; Organization of joint exhibitions and publications for them; Publication of scientific articles in the publications of the Parties; Organization of working meetings; Exchange of scientists and specialists as part of the organization of internships in order to improve the skills of representatives of the Partıes; Exchange of scientific information, documentation, literature and bibliographic publications, as well as the provision of opportunities for making copies of individual exhibits and collections.
In September 2023, as part of the memorandum, the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" will present an exhibition of valuable exhibits on the theme "Otyrar and Samarkand: cultural continuity" on a purpose to popularize the history and culture of the Otyrar Valley in the city of Samarkand, the Republic of Uzbekistan.

​Akim of the Turkestan region visited the historical sites of the medieval city of Otrar

​Akim of Turkestan region Darkhan Satybaldy met with the people of Otyrar district. At the meeting were discussed the work done in the historical region and future plans. In the meeting with the people, he noted that Otyrar district will develop together with the city of Turkestan. He noted that the tourism potential of this district is very high, because travelers are interested in the mausoleum of Arystanbab , the settlement of Otyrar and other historical places. The akim of the region got acquainted with the historical objects in the settlement of Otyrar during his trip to Otyrar district. The Director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Zh. Makashov introduced the works carried out within the project of research, conservation and restoration of the settlement of Otyrar for the period of 2020-2022, and noted the future plans. Satybaldi Darkhan Amangeldiuly noted that in order to promote our historical values, the settlement of Otyrar should be used to provide effective services to tourists. He also wished success to the staff of the museum-reserve.

​Akim of the Turkestan region visited the historical sites of the medieval city of Otrar

​Akim of Turkestan region Darkhan Satybaldy met with the people of Otyrar district. At the meeting were discussed the work done in the historical region and future plans. In the meeting with the people, he noted that Otyrar district will develop together with the city of Turkestan. He noted that the tourism potential of this district is very high, because travelers are interested in the mausoleum of Arystanbab , the settlement of Otyrar and other historical places. The akim of the region got acquainted with the historical objects in the settlement of Otyrar during his trip to Otyrar district. The Director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Zh. Makashov introduced the works carried out within the project of research, conservation and restoration of the settlement of Otyrar for the period of 2020-2022, and noted the future plans. Satybaldi Darkhan Amangeldiuly noted that in order to promote our historical values, the settlement of Otyrar should be used to provide effective services to tourists. He also wished success to the staff of the museum-reserve.

​​Rights and obligations

​The Anti-Corruption Service of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" held a meeting on the topic "Rights and obligations of employees".
Opening the meeting, Compliance Officer Yeraly Shokay noted that discipline is the main force in the chosen field of work and compliance with labor discipline, emphasizing that in labor discipline it is necessary to strictly observe and conscientiously comply with internal regulations. Nursultan Bekeshov, a member of the Anti-Corruption Service, introduced the museum-reserve's internal regulations and commented on them. Chairman of the primary organization "Trade Union" Nurlan Seraly dwelled on the main tasks of workers.

​Shakarim and the Kazakh worldview

​In the honor of the 165th anniversary of the great Kazakh thinker, philosopher Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly, junior researcher at the department of "Ethnography, literature and cultural events" of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Abduakhitov Yerkozha Seitzhapparovich gave a scientific lecture on the topic "Shakarim and the Kazakh worldview."
Students of grades 5-6-7 of the general secondary school named by Mukhtar Shakhanov attended the lecture.
The purpose of the event was to popularize and explain the life and work of Shakarim to the younger generation.
At the end of the event, Abduahitov Yerkozha conducted a tour of the museum exposition for schoolchildren.

​Akim of the Turkestan region visited the historical sites of the medieval city of Otrar

​Akim of Turkestan region Darkhan Satybaldy met with the people of Otyrar district. At the meeting were discussed the work done in the historical region and future plans. In the meeting with the people, he noted that Otyrar district will develop together with the city of Turkestan. He noted that the tourism potential of this district is very high, because travelers are interested in the mausoleum of Arystanbab , the settlement of Otyrar and other historical places. The akim of the region got acquainted with the historical objects in the settlement of Otyrar during his trip to Otyrar district. The Director of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Zh. Makashov introduced the works carried out within the project of research, conservation and restoration of the settlement of Otyrar for the period of 2020-2022, and noted the future plans. Satybaldi Darkhan Amangeldiuly noted that in order to promote our historical values, the settlement of Otyrar should be used to provide effective services to tourists. He also wished success to the staff of the museum-reserve.

​MUSEUM LESSON: "Ardent Herald of Freedom Struggle"

​Today, researcher of the State archaeological museum-reserve "Otyrar" M. Baitasov gave a lecture to the 9 th graders of the school gymnasium named by Sh. Kaldayakov in Shaulder on the topic of "Azattyk kurestin zhalyndy zharshysy" on the honor of the 220th anniversary of Makhanbet Otemisuly. From the lecture, the students got a lot of information about the life and work of Makhanbet Utemisuly.

​Jewelry from museum funds 

​On March 7, a senior researcher of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Kemelova Kalipa presented a virtual ethnographic exhibition on the theme “Collection of jewelry of the XIX-XX centuries from the museum fund for the 9th grade students of the Kokmardan secondary school.
S explained the features of silver bracelets among traditional handicraft on the topic "Five bracelets on the wrist", popularized them among students and gave a lecture. 

​Development of ceramic production in Otrar 

​Senior Researcher of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" A. Taubek gave a lecture on the theme "About the workshop of Mynshunkyr" for students of the 10th grade of the general secondary school named by T. Ibragimov.
During the lecture, there were described in detail the features of the development of clay production in several stages: from simple types of ceramics to patterned, painted ceramic products, on the basis of ceramic products discovered during archaeological excavations in the Otyrar region.  

​The generous Kazakh people

​In the honor of the Day of Gratitude researchers of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" Seraly.N and Ziyaev.M. had a meeting with students of the Faculty of History of the International Kazakh-Turkish University K.A. Yasawi in Turkestan. During the meeting, researcher Nurlan Seraly made a report on the topic “Zulmat zhyldardyn zobalany” about the fate of the peoples deported to Kazakh land under pressure from the Soviet government, and researcher Meirkhan Ziyaev made a report “Kenpeyildi Kazakh Eli” about the Kazakh land, which has become a fertile land maintaining tolerance among representatives of other nationalities.They also exchanged views with students in a free format


​On the 3 of March, junior researcher of the State Archaeological Museum - Reserve "Otyrar" Abduahitov Yerkozha presented a virtual exhibition "Wooden products from the Museum Fund" for 9th grade students of the general secondary school named by T. Ibragimov".
At the virtual exhibition, school students got detailed information about the ethnographic wooden exhibits from the museum fund, as well as about animal husbandry and crop production, hunting, and fishing of the Kazakh people. 

​Relic sympathizer Asantay Alimov

​Staff of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" and Temir General Secondary School organized a seminar on the topic "Relic sympathizer Asantay Alimov" which was dedicated to Asantai Alimov, who was a historian, a local historian, a poet, an artist, a founder of the Otyrar Museum-Reserve.
Museum-reserve "Otyrar" was founded in 1967 in Temir secondary school, so the seminar was held in the school's museum.
Director of the State archaeological museum-reserve "Otyrar" Zhangeldy Mahashov opened the seminar , and told that A. Alimov made it his life's goal to pass historical and cultural values ​​from generation to generation, and made a great contribution to turning the collected valuable relics into a place of culture.
After that, a veteran of the museum Nurtaza Aldabergenov shared with his memories about the Museum man and proposed to erect a monument dedicated to him.
Researcher Mira Akhmet talked in her report about the regional historian Asantay Alimuly, who was known by the nicknames "Field Archaeologist" and "Museum - Man", found many material and domestic cultural monuments in his native region and made a great contribution to the discovery, preservation, and study of historical and cultural values, which have entered science under the name "Otyrar-Karatau Archaeological Cultural Monuments", also the video where was given detailed information about his life story presented to the public.
Schoolchildren read Asantay Alimuly's poems and promoted that the main theme of his works is historical legend, science, education, cultural heritage, human destiny, criticism.
Also, at the event, Maren Asantaiouly, who is a son of Asantai Alimuly, spoke about his father and his moral commandments to his descendants, and his grandson Asanbai Asantai performed the kui with his students.
The deputy director for educational affairs of this school Anar Pirman said that such events form morality, national spirit and patriotism in the young generation.
The director of the state archaeological museum-reserve "Otyrar" Zhangeldy Mahashov concluded the seminar and handed over letters of thanks to the schoolchildren and museologist Ainur Sartbaeva, who participated in the event at a high level.

​Protection of monuments is a sign of statehood

​On February 24, 2023, employees of the department of "Research and preservation of historical and cultural monuments" of the State archaeological museum-reserve "Otyrar" organized a round table on the topic "Protection and preservation of monuments in Koksaray rural district".
The main goal of the round table was to widely promote activities aimed at ensuring the protection and preservation of historical monuments in our region.
At the meeting, the chief inspector of the department of "Protection of Historical Monuments" Kuanysh Shokhaev read a report on the importance of preserving historical monuments and focused on the monuments under the protection of the museum.
In addition, in the slides were shown damage to monuments, their protection zones, and also noted that at present, in the field, “black archaeologists” are mining and destroying archaeological monuments with metal-detecting radars.

During the event, Mr. Temirbekov Ayan, the deputy akim of the Koksaray rural district, told that he would inform about the state of the monuments belonging to Koksaray rural districts, and emphasized to the villagers that it is not allowed to plant crops and build buildings in the courtyards of monuments. Inhabitants of the village asked several questions about the monuments of the Koksaray rural district and expressed their gratitude to the museum staff.



 ​The State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized an exhibition on the theme "Otyrardyn zhauhar zhadigerleri" in the general secondary school No. 24 named after Mustafa Shok of the Turkestan region.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the history of the Otyrar region. Preservation of exhibits stored in the museum's funds, historical monuments under state protection, through the promotion of our history, spiritual education of the younger generation.

The exhibition presented archaeological artifacts related to the Saka, Hunnic period, found in the Otyrar region, exhibits and ethnographic products from the ancient Stone Age (Paleolithic), the period of the Kazakh Khanate, aerial photographs of historical and cultural monuments of Otyrar. The exhibition was visited by 156 students.



Researcher of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" N.Ermashova in honor of the 125th anniversary of Temirbek Zhurgenov gave a lecture for students of the 9th grade of the general secondary school named after T. Ibragimov on the topic "The life path of Temirbek Zhurgenov".

In order to imitate the younger generation of great personalities, foster love for their native land, diligence, the lecture highlighted the life and works of one of the outstanding figures of today's generation – a prominent public figure and journalist Temirbek Zhurgenov.


​​The State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" organized a visiting exhibition "The meaning of ritual motifs in ceramic products" for teachers and schoolchildren at K. Munaytpasov secondary school.

During the event, researchers of the research department "Archeology" Nurlan Seraly and Meyrkhan Ziyaev told schoolchildren about the traditions of religious rituals of the peoples who lived in the Otyrar region in different centuries of ritual patterns on ceramic products. In addition, information was given about the Otyrar civilization and the history of the Arystanbab mausoleum.

Within the framework of the event, researcher Nurlan Seraly gave a lecture for 7th grade students on the topic "Ancient names of the Otyrar region".